5th Infosec Week & Cyber Bootcamp

From 12th to 16th October ShadowSEC will take place the 5th edition of Infosec Week activities, where will be given lectures, a round table and hands on workshops, aiming to discuss and understand key national and international trends on Cyber Security.

This event is essential for:

ICT Professionals, System Administrators,Systems Information Managers, Managers of Business Continuity and Risk Management, Auditors, Students, CISOs, Security professionals, Army, Defense, etc.

During the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM), ShadowSEC in Cooperation with CNCSeg (National Centre of Cibersecurity in Portugal), UKTI (UK Trade Investment) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) will hold on 12th to 16th October the 5th edition of Infosec Week & Cyberbootcamp (Practical Sessions & Hands on), which promote lectures, workshops and round tables, with aiming to discuss key national and international trends on Cyber Security.



De 12.10.2015 a 16.10.2015
ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management